How do I update my display name in campus systems like email, myUCDavis and other systems?
If you are a temporary affiliate through main campus or through UCDH, speak with your sponsor to get your affiliate form updated. If you are a UCDH affiliate, you will need to then follow up with the UCDH IT to update your records there first. You can reach them by Email: or Phone: 916-734-4357 (Operates 24/7)
Updating Display Name for Faculty and Staff
Updating Directory Listing for Faculty and Staff
Updating Display Name for Students, Student Employees, and Affiliates
Updating Zoom Display Name
How long does it take for updates to appear?
Display name is listed as "Name" in UC Path. This is what is displayed on campus systems and may differ from legal name. It may be a lived name or preferred name.
For UC Davis Faculty and Staff
Your name as displayed in UC Path is not your name or legal name. Do not rely on this to confirm changes you have made.
1. Log into UC Path.
2. Click employee actions in the menu on the bottom left, then click “edit profile” or "employee actions" then click “personal information” and "personal information" again.
3. Answer your personal security question.
4. In the “personal information summary” window screen, click on the Legal Name/Name banner. This will display your current listed Display name.
5. Click on to make any updates to your legal name or name (this is your display name).
6. Click to open the edit page.
7. Complete the edit name form. You may edit your first, middle, and last name in the second section titled "Name" for your display name. You can see a preview your name changes at the bottom of the page.
8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click to open the confirmation page.
9. Scroll to the bottom of the page to complete and confirm changes to legal name and name (your display name) are correct and click
NOTE: Updates will populate over 24-72 hours. If it has been longer than 72 hours, please verify the updates in the above processes. Log out and back into systems to also assist in populating the new data.
If this persists, please call IT Express at (530) 754-HELP (4357), Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. or you can start a chat session at, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m
For UC Davis Student, Student Employees, and UCD Affiliates
Follow steps below to update your Directory Listing which will update your Display Name.
Contract employees (affiliates) of UC Davis Health who wish to change anything on their Campus Directory listing: please contact the Technology Outreach Center by submitting a ‘Get Help’ request to ServiceNow here:
To update your campus directory listing:
- Go to your UC Davis Directory Listing. If prompted to authenticate, sign in with your UC Davis login id and passphrase.
- Update the listing entries as needed.
Students, Student Employees, and Affiliates may enter your lived name, a self-chosen or personal and/or preferred professional name used instead of a legal name.
Faculty and Staff - To update your name, see this section above. If your job title is not listed, you can contact the Campus Directory desk by Phone: 530-752-1011 or Email: for more assistance. - Ensure the Publish Listings box towards the top right is checked.
- Optional: You can modify the check boxes at the end of each line to control if that information is displayed internally ("UCD" column) and/or externally ("WWW" column).
- Click Submit link at the bottom left of the form. The updated form will display in a new window; Review all of the information then click the Submit to approver link at the bottom right.
- Your request will be automatically routed to your departmental directory approver. Once they complete their task, changes will be routed to the online directory group.
- Once approved, changes can take up to 72 hours to appear in all campus systems.
If you need any additional assistance or questions about your listing, please contact the Campus Directory desk by Phone: 530-752-1011 or Email:
How long does it take for updates to appear?
Updates will populate over 24-72 hours. Most systems will populate overnight. If it has been longer than 72 hours, please verify the updates in the above processes. Log out and back into systems to also assist in populating the new data.
For Faculty or Staff updating their department and title, your request is sent to your department approver. Once they review and complete your request, updates will populate over 24-72 hours.
- If department and titles issues persist AFTER the approver approves it, please contact the Campus Directory desk by Phone: 530-752-1011 or Email: for more assistance.
- If display name issues persist, please call IT Express at (530) 754-HELP (4357), Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. or you can start a chat session at, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m
- For Microsoft Teams - This application that Microsoft manages can take up to 28 days to update. Please see the page from Microsoft for the latest troubleshooting help: