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Knowledge Base: Public
Category: Communication & Collaboration / DavisMail

10.0 - Updated on 2024-04-29 by Stephanie Holmes

9.0 - Updated on 2024-04-23 by Stephanie Holmes

8.0 - Updated on 2024-03-20 by Stephanie Holmes

7.0 - Updated on 2024-03-14 by Mike Waid

6.0 - Updated on 2024-03-14 by Tanner Davis

5.0 - Updated on 2024-02-26 by Stephanie Holmes

4.0 - Updated on 2024-02-15 by Stephanie Holmes

3.0 - Updated on 2024-02-13 by Stephanie Holmes

2.0 - Updated on 2023-11-03 by Stephanie Holmes

1.0 - Authored on 2015-02-24 by IET


How Do I Download or Transfer a Copy of My UC Davis Google Workspace data and emails?


It is possible to download or transfer your Google data and email. 

If your UC Davis account is closing and has access to Google Workspace, please note other Google owned services may become unavailable if you have connected them to your UC Davis account. This includes but is not limited to Google Play, Google Pay, and Google Phone. Google has stated they do not transfer these items between Google accounts.

Check out Google's detailed instructions for how to download your Google data before you get started for tips and FAQs. 
Moving data at or below 50GB max is recommended due to Google limitations.

For departmental data, please work with your local IT on how best to preserve and maintain data for University use.


Google Takeout is provided and supported by Google for getting a copy or transferring your data to another Google account you have access to.
This process allows you to transfer your Davismail and My Drive data to a personal Gmail account (not data from Contacts, Chats, or Tasks).

What cannot be transferred through Google tools: 

For importing individual, non-university data into a new space other than Google (pulling the legacy data in rather than pushing it out), it is best to work with support from the third party service you select how best to accomplish that.  

For more information about your Google storage utilization and UC Davis cloud storage services, please reference What does UC Davis offer for cloud storage?

Google Takeout Transfer

Transfers Email and My Drive Files to another Google Account

  1. If you don’t already have one, create a Google account to transfer the files to.
  2. To copy content that other people have shared with you, make sure those files have been added to your My Drive and are not only available in “Shared with me”.
  3. Log out of any and all Google based accounts. Being logged in to more than one Google account can result in the transfer not working.
  4. Sign into your Davismaill account and go to
  5. Enter the email address of the destination Google account.
  6. Select Send code.
  7. Check your personal non UC Davis Gmail account for the confirmation email, and in the email select Get confirmation code. A new tab will open with a code.
  8. Return to and enter the code, and choose Verify.
  9. Choose the content you’d like to copy and select Start transfer.
    1. The copy process usually takes a few hours, but can take up to a week depending on the amount of content.
    2. Copied files may appear in batches in the destination Google account during the copy process.
    3. When the process is complete, you will receive a confirmation email to your personal Gmail account.

Viewing copied files:

  • Gmail: Copied Gmail content will appear with a label containing your Davismail name and the date you started the copy process.
  • Drive: Copied content will be in a folder labeled with your Davismail name and the date you started the copy process.

How copied files are different from the original files:

  • You automatically become the owner of all copied files on My Drive. The owners of the original files will remain as-is at UC Davis.
  • Copied files are not shared with others even if the original files are.
  • Comments are copied, but revision history is not.

Google Takeout

Google Takeout allows you to download any of your data associated with its services including accounts over storage quota.
There is a 50GB limit per transfer. By default, Takeout creates archives in 2GB chunks, but you can choose file sizes up to 50GB. If your data exceeds this limit, create multiple Takeout requests. 

  1. While signed into your Davismail Account, head to
  2. Select the data you wish to download, one of the available formats, and click Next Step.
    1. If you are using Google Play or Google for Android, please use this option if transfer will not work to a new Google Play account.
  3. Choose your preferred delivery method, Frequency, file type, and size, then Create export.
  4. Once the export is completed, it will be delivered to the specified location.

Fore more information, see Google’s instructions for Downloading data.

As you prepare your information for possible data and email transfers as you leave UC Davis, please keep in mind the following: 

  • University business records, which may include emails and attached documents, stored in email inboxes must not be transferred to personal accounts, as they belong to the university and may be subject to specific requirements on the disposition of those records. Whether or not created or stored on university devices, these records can be subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act or other legally required purposes.
  • Personal information about others that were collected and/or maintained in emails for the purpose of official university business duties must not be transferred to personal accounts. Keeping this information beyond official duties may be a violation of policy and applicable laws as a possible unauthorized use or misuse of records.