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Knowledge Base: Public
Category: Infrastructure / Eduroam


How do I connect to the eduroam wireless network from my iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)?


Note: It is recommended that you use the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT) instead of manually configuring a connection.

  1. Open the Settings app.
    settings button for ios devices
  2. Tap Wi-Fi.
    ios settings menu with the "Wi-Fi" setting, located underneath "airplane mode", boxed in red
  3. Tap on eduroam.
    ios Wi-Fi settings menu with a Wi-Fi network named "eduroam" boxed in red
  4. On the Enter Password screen:
    • Username
      • (CORRECT)
      • (INCORRECT)
    • Password: Your Kerberos Passphrase
      ios "Enter Password" menu depicting fields for a username and password. User can choose to join or cancel
  5. Tap Join.
  6. A Certificate information screen will be displayed. Make sure the certificate originates from
    certificate menu screen for an item titled "". User can choose to "trust" or "cancel" the certificate
  7. Tap Trust.
  8. You should now be connected to eduroam, as indicated by the check mark next to the network name and the Wi-Fi icon at the top of the screen.
    ios Wi-Fi settings menu. There is a check-mark on the left of the network named "eduroam". A Wi-Fi logo is displayed on the top right corner of the page

Note: IT Express does not currently provide general support for iOS. This information is provided as a courtesy to users who wish to use their device on the UC Davis wireless network.