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Knowledge Base: Public
Category: Information Security / Duo (Multi-Factor Authentication)


How do I connect to the Bastion Hosts with Remote Desktop or UNIX?


The initial process for connecting to the Windows Bastion host is a two step process. Enrollment is a one-time process.

  1. Enroll in Duo - Please see KB0002934.
  2. Connect to the Bastion Host


Connect to the Windows Bastion Host

  1. Launch the Remote Desktop Connection application.
  2. IN the Computer field, enter then press Connect.

  3. Enter your kerberos passphrase then click OK.
  4. Click Yes when you verify the certificate for the dshost ( or

  5. Duo Push will automatically send a login "Approval" push notification to your smartphone.


  1. If you wish to use another method to authenticate, press Cancel here. Duo will give you the option of SMS instead of using the app.
  2. Enter the method you wish to use (SMS) and press OK.

  3. You'll receive another dialog box indicating that the SMS has been placed, click OK.

  4. Enter the SMS code that you received and press OK.
  1. A Remote Desktop Connection window will launch automatically, you may now connect to your desired host.

  2. Right-click on the Windows icon to sign-off when you are done.

Connect to the UNIX Bastion Host

Use the SSH command you normally use, but connect to and enter your passphrase, or see the following instructions:


Issues Authenticating or Getting Started?

Contact IT Express for additional assistance - or (530) 754-4357