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Category: Teaching & Learning / GraphPad


How do I install GraphPad Prism?


If you already have GraphPad installed and need to update to a new license, reinstalling the software is not necessary. See How to renew an existing GraphPad license with a new serial number for details.

Once your license order has been fulfilled, follow the instructions below to install GraphPad Prism on your computer. Note that administrator rights are required - If you do not have such rights on your computer, please contact your IT support for assistance.


Note: Windows screenshots shown. macOS general process flow is similar.

  1. Download the Prism installation files from MyStuff/Software on the Service Hub (For detailed steps, see How do I download software?).
  2. The next step differs based on the operating system of your computer:
    • Windows - Double double-click the installer.msi file to launch the installation wizard.
    • macOS - Drag the Prism application file into your Applications folder.
  3. On the first screen you can change the installation folder. It is recommended that you leave the default folder path unless your computer configuration requires different. Click Install to proceed.
  4. Depending on the system configuration, you may be prompted to authorize the file to run or to enter an administrator account username and password.
  5. The installation will begin and typically only takes a few minutes to complete.
  6. When completed, click Finish to close out the setup wizard.
  7. Prism should now launch. If it doesn't, launch it from the Prism shortcut on your desktop or from its entry on the Windows Start menu.
  8. On the Register Prism screen, enter the serial number you received in the email from GraphPad then click Next Step.
  9. The GraphPad program should automatically open a browser window in order to register Prism. Enter the required information and click Submit.
    Note: You must use your UC Davis email address (the same one associated with your GraphPad order) when registering.
  10. Your activation code will display on the screen. You will also receive this information in an email from
  11. Back in the GraphPad app, click Enter activation code.
  12. On the next screen, paste the activation code from GraphPad, read and agree to the license agreement, then click Start Using Prism.
  13. GraphPad is now ready to use.