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Knowledge Base: Public
Category: Communication & Collaboration / Other


What are the uConnect Forest Naming Conventions?


This document discusses the naming conventions used in the campus Active Directory, uConnect AD.  The naming conventions are in place to preserve namespace and avoid any naming collisions.

The campus namespace is used for things such as the Kerberos account name, and any hostname registrations with campus DNS.  The campus Active Directory, uConnect AD, is using the campus namespace.  This leads to naming conventions that will have to be used in order to avoid possible name collisions within the uConnect Active Directory.


Table of Naming Conventions - OU in uConnect Forest

You are required to follow these naming conventions when creating or adding objects to the campus Active Directory.  All objects in your OU must use the OU Domain FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).  For the T3 (Test) forest, objects must end in  For the AD3 (Production) forest, objects must end in

Explanation of Symbols  

<ORG>  A 4 or 5 character organization code assigned by Active Directory. In most cases, this will be the 4 character Org code found in DaFIS. If an Org code does not exist, then a 5 character code will be assigned. 

<Name> The name you create for the object

OU Organization Unit

GP Group Policy

LS Local Security Group

GS Global Security Group

US Universal Security Group

UD Universal Distribution Group {Note: Once a UD Group is providing security permissions, it will automatically update to an Universal Security Group.}

Organization Unit


Group Policy


Local Security Group


Global Security Group


Universal Security Group


Universal Distribution Group


Computer Account

<ORG>-<Name> or the Campus Registered Hostname*

User Account




*If your computer is registered with the campus DNS service (registered via hostclerk), then you can use that computer name instead of the <ORG>-<Name> convention.