I have purchased a JMP license. How do I install the software on my Windows PC?
Request JMP from the Campus Licensed Software Catalog. When the request is complete, the files will be available in ServiceHub\MyStuff.
Administrator rights are required to install JMP. If you do not have such rights on your computer, please contact your IT support for assistance.
These instructions are for installing JMP or JMP Pro on a Windows PC. If you have a Mac, please see this article instead.
If you already have JMP installed and just need to update the license, please see this article.
JMP Pro installation screenshots show. JMP Standard is very similar.
- Un-zip the JMP installation archive file you downloaded.
- Open the folder and double-click the setup.exe file. If you are prompted to enter an administrator username and password, contact your IT support for assistance.
- Click Next on the InstallShield Wizard window.
- Click Next at the Choose Destination Location window.
- On the Installation Options window, adjust the selections if necessary, then click Next.
- Excel Add-in – Installs the JMP Excel Add-In for Excel.
- SAS software integration – Installs the components needed to connect to a remote SAS server from within JMP.
- Click Install.
- Wait for the installation to complete at The InstallShield Wizard is installing JMP <version> window.
Note: JMP may also install Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable(s) and other JMP support files. - On the InstallShield Wizard Complete window, select whether you want to Create desktop shortcut and/or if you want JMP to Check for JMP software updates.
- Click Finish.
- Launch JMP. If JMP did not find a valid license file during the installation, it will prompt you for it now:
- Click the Open License button.
- Browse to where you saved the downloaded JMP files and locate the sid_files folder.
- In that folder, select the license text file and click Open.
- A message will appear indicating the license was accepted.
- JMP is now installed and ready for use.