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Knowledge Base: Public
Category: Communication & Collaboration / Other

4.0 - Updated on 2023-10-30 by Stephanie Holmes

3.0 - Updated on 2023-08-21 by Stephanie Holmes

2.0 - Updated on 2023-08-10 by Edgar Nunez

1.0 - Authored on 2017-10-31 by IET


What is the email service available at UC Davis?


The campus maintains two central email services:

Although there are exceptions, which are outlined in the Exceptions section below, generally most undegraduate students are on DavisMail and faculty/staff are on Office 365. Both services are free of charge to the individual/department and feature their own suite of online productivity software, cloud storage and other services while they actively attend or are employed by UC Davis. 


Office 365

Office 365 is Microsoft’s cloud-based version of Exchange services. This service is primarily used by faculty and staff, post Doctoral staff, students in staff positions, temporary affiliates, and many Graduate and Post Grad students. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, which are listed below.

A few highlights of Office 365 are as follows:

For more information and client setup instructions, please visit the Office 365 Service Catalog.


DavisMail is the Google Apps for Education branding that is used at UC Davis. This service is predominantly used by students but it is available to faculty and staff. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, which are listed below. Due to recent service changes UC Davis is implementing 20 GB total storage quotas on staff, student, and affiliate accounts. 

A few highlights of DavisMail are as follows:

For more information and client setup instructions, please visit the DavisMail Service Catalog.


While typically students are on DavisMail and faculty/staff are on Office 365, the following is a list of exceptions to this rule:

How do I know which email service I am on?

To determine which service an email account is on, active users can log into and click the email button to go to your email account. The service you are on will be listed on the Mailbox Location line.

If you do not know the details of your computing account or email, please contact IT Express. Contact hours and options are listed here: